Zack Yarak 
What are you studying? I am currently studying a double degree, Bachelor of Engineering (Civil & Infrastructure) (Honours) / Bachelor of Business (Management) at RMIT University.
Tell us about your In2science placement: My placement was an amazing experience. Aside from giving me experience in working with young students and inspiring them to work hard in maths and science and pursue a career in those fields, it was also great fun. I got to meet a lot of young kids, and that brought me back to when I was their age, so it was quite nostalgic in that sense. I got to return to my old high school as well. It was very nice, as I got to see some of my old teachers, and the kids connected with me even more once they knew I attended the same school as them.
Why did you become an In2science mentor? I had an In2science mentor when I was in high school. I remember the impact it had on me and some of my decisions going into VCE and even university. I felt like this would be a good way to give back and help inspire young students the same way I was at that age. I am very passionate about engineering and wanted to encourage kids to gain an interest in maths and show them how it can be applied to exciting courses and careers. It was actually quite surprising to see how many students had an interest in engineering and how they can go about studying it in the future.
What’s the best thing about In2science? The best thing about In2science for me would have to be the positive vibes that come from everyone in this program. Everybody is very passionate about science and encouraging others to be interested in it. There is always a great exchange of ideas and stories and I believe this positivity and passion will flow into the younger generation who we mentor and they will continue to spread the good vibes and love of science.
What’s one of the biggest challenges about In2science? Honestly, I felt that the whole In2science experience went smoothly and I didn’t run into too many challenges. It was a little bit difficult to motivate certain kids who were completely disinterested in maths, but with some time and dedication, those kids even seemed to come around on it.
What inspired you to study what you are studying? I think the biggest inspiration for me which led me to the course I am studying were certain teachers and mentors along my high school journey. I think the importance of mentors cannot be understated. My year 11 and 12 physics teacher was probably the biggest reason I am studying this course and have such a strong passion for physics and engineering.
What do you want to do after you finish university and why? I want to work as a project manager on infrastructure projects around the world and eventually specialise in rebuilding infrastructure in third world countries. I am very eager to get out into the real world and work on projects that will help move society forward and create a better standard of living for everybody.
If you could have an hour to chat with any scientist, mathematician or engineer, who would it be and why? I would want to chat with Isaac Newton, he achieved so much in the fields of science and mathematics. He developed the three laws of motion which are integral to engineering as well as discovering calculus, one of the most important foundations for engineers that followed.