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Meet a Mentor: Mitchell Griggs

By 22 April 2016August 24th, 2016Profiles

Mitchell GriggsMitchell Griggs portrait

What are you studying? I am in my final year of studying for my Bachelor of Biomedical Science at La Trobe University, I initially enrolled in a different course and have since transferred into this course.

Tell us about your In2science placement. I have previously been placed at Epping Secondary College, currently I am placed in a year 9 science class at Roxburgh College in Victoria. We are currently studying diseases and have just finished studying the periodic table. The class has a great range of students which presents some interesting challenges.

Why did you become an In2science mentor? Firstly, I firmly believe that science communication and scientific literacy is critical to a healthy society, encouraging students in their studies in science, and by extension learning overall, is a worthy practice. Secondly, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics underlie so much of our natural and man-made universe and has challenged and filled me with wonder throughout my life, the opportunity to share this enthusiasm is very rewarding.

What’s the best thing about In2science? In2science connects mentors with groups of students who have a demonstrated need, and effectively match mentors with their positions meaning that all involved can get the most out of the program. The increased social and educational equity is a great outcome, there are also plenty of other fun and rewarding interactions to be had for all involved.

What’s one of the biggest challenges about In2science? The program requires you to think on your feet, take initiative in the classroom and deal with challenging and perhaps confronting situations with students. Overall the range in abilities and levels of interest provides a context in which it is hard to measure the impact you are having, it is therefore important to stay adaptive and motivated; which can be a challenge.

What inspired you to study science and mathematics? As long as I can remember I have had a keen interest in these fields, after spending time working as a musician and in several other fields my search for challenge and meaning in my life and work led me to return to study, science was a natural choice for me as it is a never-ending source of challenges and affords many opportunities for me to draw meaning from my life and work.

What do you want to do after you finish university and why? I aspire to continue into post-graduate study; my primary ambition is to study medicine and eventually become a doctor. I also seek to continue my involvement in science communication and become more involved in public health and science engagement.

If you could have an hour to chat with any scientist or mathematician, who would it be and why? Charles Darwin due to his fascinating life story and scientific works, as well as his ground-breaking impact on the progress of science would make a very interesting conversation. I think he would be fascinated to hear about the progress in biology, genetics, and medicine his work influenced and enabled.


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