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The Department of Education and Training awards In2science eMentoring program

By 18 February 2020March 5th, 2020News

In recognition of In2science’s positive contribution and commitment in supporting underrepresented groups at university, The Department of Education and Training (DET) has awarded the peer-mentoring program with additional funding to support Victorian regional and rural students until 2023. As part of the Regional and Rural School Reform package, funding will ensure the continued development, enhancement and expansion of the In2science eMentoring program for regional and rural government schools across Victoria.

Since its inception in 2016, eMentoring has positively impacted 202 secondary school students at 23 schools in regional and rural Victoria. eMentoring fosters students’ enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) and encourages them to pursue higher education. In2science’s online mentoring model directly addresses many of the challenges experienced by regional and rural students like increasing awareness of, and access to, STEM educational opportunities as they engage with passionate and enthusiastic STEM university students.

This funding builds the capacity of In2science, an award-winning and innovative program, to work more effectively with regional and rural government school students, particularly groups that are underrepresented in STEM. This includes girls, indigenous students and students from low SES backgrounds, thereby reducing the impact of disadvantage on student outcomes and equipping them with the attributes, knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

If you are part of a regional or rural school and would like to Host an eMentor at your school, click here or contact Dr Audrey Bester, In2science eMentoring Coordinator.