Exploring the science of slime with University of Melbourne mentors.
Did you know that last year, In2science mentors received more than 800 hours of training? This semester, 175 keen young STEM university students from our partner universities, La Trobe University, The University of Melbourne, RMIT University, Swinburne University of Technology and Monash University attended pre-placement training to equip them with the tools to connect with, and inspire, the next generation of STEM enthusiasts at our partner schools. In2science staff are routinely blown away by our mentors’ commitment, enthusiasm and creativity.
It’s not all serious, however, as mentors tried their hand at leading the group in a number of STEM activities, like slime production. We are excited to see what adventures are to be had for schools, students and mentors in semester 1, 2019 – all the very best of luck to our wonderful mentors!

RMIT University mentors ready for training.