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In2science Engages Future Educators

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TFA expo Jan 2017Innovative approaches to teaching STEM was the topic of conversation at Deakin University, Waurn Ponds, in January. In2science was invited to share the benefits of peer mentoring with future secondary science and mathematics teachers at The Innovations in Education Marketplace, organised by Teach For Australia for its 2016 and 2017 Cohorts. The exhibition featured a range of innovative STEM education providers.

At the In2science stall, Program Manager Joanna Oreo and La Trobe University Coordinator Oliver Barrand, spoke with many Associates from Victoria and Interstate. The Associates were interested to hear about the impact of volunteer student mentors in keeping secondary students engaged with their STEM studies. 

“We focus specifically on low socioeconomic schools, so for many of the high school students it might be the first time they’ve had a meaningful encounter with a university student,” Jo told Associates.

A number of Associates were keen to sign up for updates on the program, with several Victorian Associates expressing interest in registering for the program.

The event brought together Teach For Australia Associates from across the country, and was an opportunity for them to get up to date on the latest innovations in STEM education that they could employ in the classroom.


Read more about the event on Teach For Australia’s news page.

2016 Reflections

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The number of mentor placements in 2016 by region.

The number of mentor placements in 2016 by region.

Welcome to the final post for 2016. The In2science Awards night was a fantastic way to celebrate the end of what has been a very busy, productive and successful year.

  • Specalised mentor training and support: the team has focused on specific mentor training based around growth mindset, mentoring, and enhancing science communication skills.
  • Staff professional development: the In2science team has attended numerous workshops and presented at conferences, all focused around increasing students’ engagement and aspirations in STEM.
  • Mentor manager and placement application: In 2017, coordinators will be able to visually see a mentor’s location in relation to a school and match mentors availability with teachers requests based on times and common interests.
  • Additional funding to launch and accelerate online mentoring for regional schools: Feedback from the 2016 pilot has been overwhelmingly positive.  We look forward to expanding this in 2017.

2016 numbersFeedback and support about the In2science program has been extremely positive.  Preliminary analysis of survey results reveal that, after having an In2science mentor, students:

  • are more confident in science and maths
  • are more likely to know how to find information to help them solve a science problem
  • enjoy finding out answers to science questions
  • identify that the problem solving skills they use in science can be helpful in everyday life; and
  • recognise that studying VCE science/maths subjects at year 12 will give them lots of options

What the students say

“The mentor didn’t give me the answers but helped me work through all the problems”
– Year 8 maths student

“I have learnt a lot from my mentor. Insights of uni life and her future career have been great to think about for my future”
– Year 8 science student

What the teachers say

“The mentor must have instilled something in the students that is very rare and hard to achieve in a secondary college – Intrinsic motivation”
– Kylie Lambert, Maffra Secondary College

What the mentors say

“Students became more engaged with the work when we worked together”
– Selda Ekri, In2science mentor


We would like to thank the Chair, The Honourable Professor John Brumby, for his support and leadership and all Advisory Board members for their ongoing commitment to ensuring the program is well governed.

In2science is fortunate to have a team of highly motivated and dedicated staff.  The team is looking forward to working with current and new partner schools and further expanding the program to support digital learning and girls in STEM in 2017.

2016 In2science Awards Recognises Outstanding Achievements

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The Hon. Prof. John Brumby, In2science Chairman, introduces the 2016 In2science Awards

The 2016 In2science Awards recently recognised and celebrated the outstanding achievements and outcomes in STEM engagement through the In2science peer mentoring program.

In2science chairman, The Honourable Professor John Brumby, presented awards to mentors from all four partner universities, and three partner schools at the Melbourne Museum Theatre on Thursday 1st of December.

Professor Brumby opened the proceedings by praising the continuing efforts of the mentors, teachers, and supporters of In2science. He highlighted the need addressed by the program, “We all know that we’ve got a huge continuing challenge in this area. More results have come out on maths achievement in Australia, and the reality is that this is an area where Australia is really challenged. We look at the countries around us in the world, Singapore and South Korea and Malaysia and now China, they are making big investments into STEM.”

Despite this, Professor Brumby was upbeat about the achievements of In2science, “Tonight is about celebrating the success of the last year. Success in a re-invigorated form. 45 schools, 4 universities. Outstanding engagement from all of the participants. I think it’s true to say that the program is now stronger than ever.”

To recognise the efforts of mentors, there were five award categories. To read more detail about the award winners and finalists, click here.


In2science Awards winners, staff and university representatives with The Hon. Prof. John Brumby, In2science Chairman.


The Mentor Impact Award for the mentor that made the greatest positive impact in engaging students in science or maths went to Selda Ekri from Swinburne University of Technology.

The Role Model Award for the mentor recognised as an outstanding role model for their student mentees was accepted by Andres Alzate of The University of Melbourne.

The Dedication Award for the mentor that showed greatest dedication and commitment to the In2science program was awarded to Tarik Zepcan of La Trobe University.

The Above and Beyond Award for the mentor that showed greatest initiative in engaging students in science or maths went to Shelley Haslett of RMIT University.

The eMentoring Award for the most dedicated university mentor in the online eMentoring program was given to Mitchell Griggs of La Trobe University.

Three awards were given to teachers and schools for their support of In2science mentors.

Teacher Kylie Lambert from Maffra Secondary College traveled nearly three hours to attend the awards and accept the Mentor Support Award for the classroom teacher who provided the most supportive mentoring environment.

The Teacher Program Commitment Award for the classroom teacher that showed the greatest commitment to the In2science program went to Jessica Sartori from Brunswick Secondary College.

The School Program Commitment Award for the school that demonstrated the greatest engagement with the In2science program was awarded to Bundoora Secondary College, and was accepted on the night by link teacher Ross Goddard.

eMentoring Award winner Mitchell Griggs delivered a mentor reflection in which he highlighted the importance of the In2science program in helping to increase levels of achievement in science and maths in Australian schools, which he said have plateaued over the last 20 years according to the 2015 TIMSS report. Mitchell also reflected on the benefits he had gained from multiple placement rounds both in-class and online, “My education, both formal and otherwise was greatly enriched by the experience of being an In2science mentor, and my perspective broadened and informed about the importance of science communication and education.”

Following the official proceedings, the mentors and teachers mixed over drinks and canapes in the foyer with other guests including representatives of the four partner universities, as well as members of government and industry.


For full details about the 2016 In2science Award winners and finalists, click here.

To access the 2016 In2science Awards photo gallery, click here.

eMentoring Recognised at Parliament House

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The Hon. James Merlino MP, Minister for Education, Tarik Zepcan, La Trobe University eMentor, Genevieve Lazzari, In2science Director, and The Hon. Judith Graley MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Education.

The achievements of the In2science eMentoring program were recognised by Victorian Minister for Education, The Hon. James Merlino MP, and Parliamentary Secretary for Education The Hon. Judith Graley MP at a morning tea held at Parliament House on the 5th of December 2016.

Along with nine other mentoring programs across a range of areas, the eMentoring program was given special mention for connecting secondary science and maths students in regional Victoria with university mentors. In 2016, In2science eMentoring connected 64 students from five regional schools with 19 mentors, and will continue to grow in 2017.

Mr Merlino acknowledged the contribution of mentors in the lives of young people, “We’re so proud to see the success these mentoring programs have had empowering students from across Victoria. Sometimes it takes a mentor to help show us what we are capable of and these  programs have connected great mentors with hundreds of students.”

Mr Merlino presented a certificate of recognition to eMentor Tarik Zepcan and Acting Program Director Genevieve Lazzari on the day.

Team at PH

In2science eMentors Tarik Zepcan and Mitchell Griggs with In2science staff on the steps of Parliament House.

Mitchell Griggs, who mentored students at Cobram Secondary College, reflected on his experience as a eMentor, “The In2science eMentoring program has given me a great opportunity to share my enthusiasm and encourage more regional students to take on a rewarding career in science.”







October Reflections

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Mildura Outreach 13Oct2016-editedNetworking with regional schools in Mildura

During October, In2science staff travelled to Mildura and supported La Trobe University’s science outreach programs, which were offered to secondary students from five different schools in the Mildura region.  On the day, La Trobe hosted over 300 regional students who had opportunities to see real-world applications of science and participate in Biotechnology, Physics, Psychology and Robotics workshops.    This was a fantastic opportunity for regional and rural students who usually have limited access to educational experiences compared to their metropolitan counterparts.

Regional teachers had the opportunity to talk with In2science staff about the online mentoring program.  After a successful online mentoring pilot this year, In2science will work with more regional schools in 2017, with the aim of connecting interested secondary school students with like-minded volunteer university students who act as mentors, where students are opened up to the possibilities of pursuing their interests in STEM to year 12 and beyond.  Students and mentors are matched on shared science interests to maximise learning opportunities for students.


National Mentoring Week 23-29 October

The last week of October not only saw semester two placements come to a close, but also coincided with National Youth Mentoring Week. To celebrate mentoring week, In2science staff have been hosting afternoon teas, handing out certificates and saying thanks to our semester two mentors. 2016 has seen over 200 In2science mentors make an impact in 45 Victorian schools where they have remarkably volunteered over 2200 hours!


August Reflections

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August has been another busy month, with mentor placements finalised and underway, including the first full-scale group of eMentors connecting with regional schools. With a multitude of activities for National Science Week, the In2science team was also out and about at various events:

Teacher Felicity Wilmot from Alexandra Secondary College trying out the eMentoring technology at the STEM Careers Expo in Wangaratta

eMentoring at Wangaratta STEM careers expo

eMentoring Coordinator, Ana Garcia-Melgar, hopped on a train to attended the STEM Careers EXPO at Galen Catholic College in Wangaratta. There, she gave teachers and students a live demonstration of eMentoring in action. They were able to connect online via Zoom to talk to In2science staff, see how eMentoring works in practice and to learn about the benefits of online mentoring for regional students.

Conversation with Dr Alan Finkel

Australia’s Chief Scientist, and In2science Patron, Dr Alan Finkel met in conversation with ABC’s Natasha Mitchell at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. There, he shared his insights and reflections on Australia’s place in the ever-changing science, technology and research landscapes. Three In2science Coordinators were in attendance, as well as one new La Trobe University mentor, Marianne Haines, who posed an excellent question that was addressed by Dr Finkel.

YSA lends a hand to train mentors

This semester, In2science partnered with Young Scientists of Australia (YSA) to help new mentors build their science communication skills. Four YSA volunteers (including one former In2science mentor) joined mentor training sessions at three partner universities to lead activities on relating science to real life and communicating a passion for science. The YSA members also invited mentors to join their national network of budding science enthusiasts.

Rewire Luncheon

Several In2science team members and mentors attended The Australian Newspaper’s Rewire luncheon. This event hosted a panel of experts, who examined some of the big questions around STEM education in Australia. They addressed questions such as why existing programs have not resulted in a national approach to STEM, the obstacles of student participation in STEM, and how Australia can increase its STEM teaching workforce.

Quantum Victoria STEM workshop

University of Melbourne Coordinator, Madeleine Yewers, attended a STEM best practice workshop at Quantum Victoria. The workshop was designed for teachers to build capacity in STEM Education and further engage students.  The workshop combined hands-on activities in programming, applying mathematics to the real world, and confronting well-known misconceptions in science as real-life examples (e.g. there are more than 5 human senses including pain, balance and body temperature). Maddy picked up some great ideas to inspire our mentors in the classroom!


In2science 2016 Semester One Reflection

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Sem 1, 20016 Student engagement highlights

Semester one has been another successful and impactful placement period for In2science. Our four partner universities coordinated 92 placements in 32 schools, with over 1500 students mentored over a 10-week block.

Our student, mentor and teacher evaluations measure many aspects of the program. In this snapshot, we take a look at the direct impact mentors have had on students in semester one, and the teacher and mentor perceptions in relation to this impact.

Impact on students:
This semester the In2science program was able to survey students in a whole class setting and group students based on if they worked with the mentor nearly every week or not.  All students were exposed to the same learning environment and this lead to the formation of a control group (students not directly working with mentors) to compare and measure the impact a mentor may have when working directly with the same students nearly every week.   Preliminary data from this has been overwhelmingly positive:


Click on the tabs below to see what teachers and mentors say about the In2science program

    What teachers say:

    Teachers ranking: value gained

    Teachers ranking on what was of most value after having an In2science mentor

    “Nathan was an excellent mentor. He really connected with some of the students who needed a reason to want to do mathematics. I hope at some point in the future he might consider a career in teaching.”

    “Shaurya was excellent in my classroom at engaging with the students. It was also fortunate that the topics we were covering at the time fitted in to his expertise so he was able to help out many of the students develop their understanding. Thank you Shaurya.”

    “Sarah was a fantastic mentor. She engaged really well with the kids, asked lots of questions (both of the students, and of me) and was very inspiring. It was also really wonderful to have her”

    What mentors say:mentor impact statement - grey

    “Although I had to mentor two different classes each week, the students were more inviting and accepting than I imagined. I learnt that teaching is much more complicated than I anticipated and have a new found respect for teachers. On the topic of algebra, I had to condense explanations in their most simplest form and use real life analogies for them to really grasp the concepts and by doing so I also learnt more about effective learning strategies that I can use in my own work. During my placement, I met an aspiring politician who discovered he needed math/science to understand budgeting, GDP, and global warming which he was very passionate about. I met a student who told me he was very interested in supernovas and galaxies after watching YouTube videos about space and told me that he now was interested in becoming an astrophysicist. Because of my circumstances I was only able to get really close to a few students but this was a great and rewarding experience and I hope to be an even better mentor next semester.”

    “I really enjoyed the placement. The teacher was enthusiastic and it was fun and challenging finding different ways to engage with various students on scientific topics.”

    “In2science is a really good program! I feel as though it has a meaningful impact on not only the students, but also the mentors. It was enlightening seeing how schools have progressed since I was in high school, especially the role that technology plays in each lesson.”


    New Chair for In2science Advisory Board

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    After three and a half years of dedicated and enthusiastic service to the In2science program, Mr Simon McKeon AO will step down as Chair of the In2science Advisory Board after our August meeting. Mr McKeon has this year taken on the role of Chancellor of Monash University.

    In2science would like to thank Mr McKeon for the guidance and support that he has provided to the program during his tenure. Mr McKeon has led In2science in securing funding from the Commonwealth government, and his advocacy at Federal and State levels has contributed greatly to our improved profile and presence. Mr McKeon will continue to be an outstanding advocate of the program.

    John Brumby 9 hhr

    The Honourable Professor John Brumby

    We are very pleased to announce that The Honourable Professor John Brumby has accepted our invitation to be the new Chair of the In2science Advisory Board. As a former Premier of Victoria (2007 – 2010) and Minister for Innovation, Professor Brumby has a strong commitment to Victoria.

    Professor Brumby has immense experience in public life, serving for more than 10 years as Treasurer and then Premier of Victoria.  He also served for 7 years as Federal MHR for Bendigo during the Hawke Government.

    Since retiring from politics, Professor Brumby has accepted a number of Board positions. He is Chair of the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, Chairman of the Fred Hollows Foundation, National President of the Australia China Business Council, Chairman of the Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) Superannuation Fund, an Independent Director of Huawei Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd, and Chairman of Citywide Service Solutions Pty Ltd.

    In Government, Professor Brumby was a champion of science, technology and innovation with major new investments in the Australian Synchrotron, the new Florey Neuroscience Centre, the $250 million BioResource Centre, the Australian Centre for Regenerative Medicine, the expansion of WEHI and the new $1 billion Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre.  He is known as a strong advocate of education.

    The Advisory Board of In2science welcomes Professor Brumby, and looks forward to his guidance to the In2science program as it positions for the next phase of its growth.

    eMentoring Pilot a Success

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    To read about eMentoring from a mentor’s perspective, click here.

    In2science recently completed a successful trial of its new eMentoring program, which aims to connect students from regional schools with university mentors. In March, In2science received funding from the Victorian Government to support the online mentoring program, which pairs eMentors with regional school students based on their interests, aspirations or competencies in science and mathematics. The completion of this pilot marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for In2science, extending the program’s reach into regional areas of Victoria.

    The pilot program started in April this year with three schools participating in the trial. A total of 27 students connected with 9 mentors in weekly audio and screen-sharing sessions. Two of the trial schools were in the Shepparton region, an area that In2science mentors would not normally be able to reach. The students benefitted from being in small groups of two to four during sessions with their mentors, gaining insights into STEM pathways they would not normally have. 

    Using the screen sharing function, one mentor took students through her university course selection for semester 2, giving students a ‘real life’ sense of what uni is like and the possibilities open to them if they go onto study science after completing year 12.  Other mentors and student groups had far reaching discussions as to why soft drink cans burst in the freezer, and how it could be possible for a planet to be made from diamonds.





    Over the trial spanning 10 weeks, eMentors also worked with students on their classwork, study skills and supported students to consider science outside the science classroom. The trial also gave mentors and coordinators valuable insights into some of the practical challenges of communicating with students over the online platform, and ways to overcome these challenges.

    During the semester one pilot, eMentors submitted weekly reflective tasks.  Use the tabs below to get a snapshot on how sessions changed over time.

      “Students were shy. Gave some info about uni, hopefully there will be more questions next week”

      “Introduction to uni life, what I am studying (including what I will be doing honours in). What the students are interested, what they like doing for hobbies. Then went to talk about cells, the general structure of cells and the difference between plant and animal cells. Drew diagrams on white board. General ‘getting to know you talk’”

      “Students had lots of questions, chatted for 45 mins!”

      “Talked about different types of energy, and why soft drink cans burst in the freezer. Why sound can’t travel in space.”

      “Discussed the heart and what it’s going to look like on Friday when they do a dissection. Talked about how diamonds are formed, and how it could be possible for a planet to be made from diamonds.”

      “We went over the heart dissection, the different parts and the direction of blood flow. Then moved on to talking about university and the possibility of having to relocate to study and if that put them off.”

      “Talked about how their test went and both students were very happy with their test outcomes. We then went to start talking about digestion and more progressed into some general talk about biology and different living organisms and their structures and overall design. One student particularly liked that we went ‘off topic’ and ‘off schedule’ . It was a relaxed session, talked about one of the student’s footy playing and who they would be battling in the next few weeks.”

      “Finished up digestion and did a review, getting both Students to relay me what they had learnt and what they found interesting. I was impressed by the wealth of knowledge both students had collected over the few short weeks and have no doubts that they will be great when the test comes around. We then started talking about circulation and the heart and the different sections of the heart, as they have a heart dissection coming up. I also mentioned that the ementoring classes were coming to an end as we were in week 9 of the 10 week period…. Both Students seemed sad to see the program coming to an end but when I asked them had they enjoyed themselves and learnt new things they both said that they were very happy to participate in the program and enjoyed chatting to me about uni and various other science topics.”

      Next semester the program is set to double in size, lead by our new eMentoring coordinator Ana Garcia Melgar.  If you are interested in the program and would like further information, please get in touch via [email protected].

      To read about eMentoring from a mentor’s perspective, click here.

      May 2016 Reflections

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      May has been a busy month for the In2science team attending events in the education community, in addition to running the program. Here’s a round up of events:

      IMG_126 cropped

      In2science mentor Eloise Molan helps students program their robot at Quantum Victoria

      In2science & Quantum Victoria Event  Quantum Victoria, with assistance from In2science, hosted a day of immersive STEM workshops. Over 100 students from 3 schools, participated in workshops including 3D design through CAD software, playing with logic gates in Minecraft, and reverse engineering robots.

      The students were accompanied by five In2science mentors, and had opportunities to ask the mentors about further studies in STEM and their experience of university. The event concluded with a Q&A panel session featuring the mentors, the In2science Program Director, Program Manager, and the Director of Quantum Victoria.


      Encouraging Girls in STEM  Maddy Yewers, In2science Coordinator at The University of Melbourne, attended the “Encouraging Girls in STEM” event as part of Melbourne Knowledge Week. It was hosted by a start-up called Power of Engineering which runs one-off events in schools for girls to show the possibilities of engineering for women.

      A number of great resources and ideas were discussed, including the importance of role models and incorporating Growth Mindset in STEM classrooms.

      The language that people use when speaking to girls about studies and careers STEM is also important.  Girls benefit from collaboration, especially when they can participate and communicate fairly. Girls are motivated by projects they find personally relevant and meaningful.

      Furthermore, it is useful to discuss careers in STEM in terms of the personal characteristics they require, not what STEM professionals ‘do’. Research also shows that, on average, women self-identify using adjectives (e.g. helpful, organised, friendly, shy) whereas men self-identify through activities that they are involved in like jobs, hobbies and interests.

      These valuable insights will be passed onto In2science mentors in training sessions to further encourage girls in science and maths classrooms.


      ACER workshop makes maths fun   What is the best way to get students to have fun with maths?  The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) ran a workshop last week to explore this question and RMIT University In2science Coordinator Claire Farrugia went along to find out more.

      The workshop highlighted the importance of language when developing maths literacy and offered a plethora of examples, activities and games for developing maths language and skills.

      Words that we know as having a mathematical meaning like volume or takeaway have other more common meanings for students. The workshop suggested that language is extremely important in teaching maths, and extra time should be spent to understand the context of these words so students become familiar with them.

      The workshop also provided a number of different cooperative logic problems to build language, teamwork and confidence in mathematics.

      These resources will be used to train In2science mentors heading into maths classes in semester 2, 2016 and beyond.

      ACER run a wide variety of professional learning workshops across Australia. For more information visit their website.


      Encouraging students to explore career pathways in STEM  Genevieve Lazzari, In2science Program Director, delivered a presentation at the Department of Education and Training’s STEM Education and Careers Workshop.

      The presentation focused on the importance of mentoring in schools by university students studying science, engineering and mathematics courses. Genevieve was joined in the presentation by Sally IP of CSIRO’s Scientists and Mathematicians in Schools.

      The event was a showcase of STEM careers resources provided to teachers in order to plan for enriched student learning experiences.