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Mill Park College

Meet a mentor: Shaurya Nagpal

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In2science mentor Shaurya Nagpal outside Mill Park CollegeShaurya Nagpal

What are you studying? I am studying a double degree in Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (Hons) and Business (International Business) at RMIT University. I like my course because it provides me with insights into both the engineering and business industries. The problem solving skills I learn from the engineering side are transferable to the business side which is useful. Every day in class we go through a different problem which constantly challenges me and keeps me engaged.

Tell us about your In2science placement: So far I’ve been involved in two placements at Mill Park Secondary College. In2science has now become something to look forward to during the week. I like to think that I’m showing the students that working in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) field is more interesting than they may have previously thought.

Why did you become an In2science mentor? I believed In2science would be a great way to share my experiences and help develop my own communication and public speaking skills. I quickly realised my contributions had the potential to change the students’ outlook on STEM. Hopefully this will lead to more scientists, engineers and mathematicians in the world.

What’s the best thing about In2science? The most enjoyable experience I have had so far was helping a student grasp the concept of photosynthesis, which was tripping them up.

What’s the worst thing about In2science? When you have no idea what’s going on. The first class I was in was studying biology. Let’s just say biology is my Achilles heel!

What inspired you to study engineering? My work experience at GM Holden In year 10 consolidated my interest in engineering. Can’t say much more about it because secrets and stuff.

 What do you want to do after you finish university? After university I would like to become a business advisor for technology companies. It’s a constantly changing field so there will never be a boring day at work.

 If you could have an hour to chat with any scientist/mathematician, who would it be and why? Nikola Tesla, for inventing alternating current electricity supply systems and because he was a badass!