COVID-19 update: How In2science is supporting schools and students.
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Shelley Haslett

Profile picture of mentor Shelley HaslettWhat are you studying? I’m doing a Bachelor Applied Science (Food Technology and Nutrition) at RMIT University. I really enjoy studying food because it is something really important that we deal with in our everyday lives, often without thinking about it. I love to cook and eat: understanding the science behind cooking takes it to a whole new level of delicious!

Tell us about your In2science placement: I am in my second semester at Glen Eira College. I have really enjoyed getting to know the students and hearing about the things they are interested in. It has also been a really great experience to join in on the practical classes and help the students to really think about what is going on, not just follow the instructions on the sheet.

Why did you become an In2science mentor? I became a mentor because it sounded like a really good opportunity to be involved in the community. I also felt that if I had had a peer mentor in my high school science class I might have actually paid a bit more attention and realised how interesting, fun and relevant science actually is to our everyday lives.

What’s the best thing about In2science? The students. It is so great to see young people who are enthusiastic about the possibilities in their future, science or not.

What’s the worst thing about In2science? When the classes are on something I have no idea about! Like geology – I don’t ever remember taking a geology class, but now I have. The students taught me a lot!

Who inspired you to study science? My inspirations are Heston Blumenthal and Jamie Oliver: Heston because he does some amazing, crazy, fun things with food, and Jamie because he’s really into sustainability and giving back to the community.

What do you want to do after you finish university and why? I really want to be involved in the development of food products that are sustainable from the moment they are planted to the moment they are eaten. This is so important because of the expanding population and decrease in farming land – basically I want to feed the world.

If you could have an hour to chat with any scientist, who would it be and why? Jane Goodall. She has been so immersed and passionate about her work for such a long period of time. She would have some amazing stories to tell!